(It is devoid of any buff effects that you receive from nearby allies/troops). Base Melee Damage: This is the basic damage that a troop can do.Vulnerability: Unlike most games which have defence, it has vulnerability, meaning setting this value to 00 will make the troop invincible.This will give you all the basic information about that entity. This deals with pointers related to any troop ( player's troops only) you have selected. This section of pointer is Selected Entity. Moving on a very important section, that I did add last time but didnt talk about it at all because there wasnt many entries in it.Its pretty much self explanatory so have fun. This one keeps record of population count of your estate/castle. Now lets move on to pointer, A new section named Estate Record is added.The scripts, No Peasant Spawn Limit and Instant Peasant Spawn are now fixed and work properly in every type of mission.NOTE: Every time you enter a mission or even restart the same one, you need to re-enable ] Script. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, YOU WILL NEED THEM FOR PROPER UNDERSTANDING!